Thursday, 16th June 2011
09.00 – 12:00 Registration & Helpdesk
10.00 – 10.30 Welcome & Opening Addresses
• Prof. Triantafyllos Albanis, Rector of the University of Ioannina, Greece
• Hans-Werner Rueckert, President of EAIE-FEDORA
• Walter Fisaber, President of the Hellenic National Center for Vocational Orientation
10.30 – 12.00 Keynote Speeches
10.30 – 11.15
• Rueckert Hans-Werner, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
Psychological Counselling in Modern Times – Is there anything new under the sun?
11.15 – 12.00
• Prof. Ebersold Serge, INSHEA Paris, France - GSPE-Prisme
Higher education and the transition to labor market for disabled students – international trends and challenges
12.15 – 13.15 Workshops (each participant may choose 1 of the following 4 workshops)
12.15 – 13.15
Workshop 1: Stanbury D., The embodied learner
Workshop 2: Uildriks & Hupken, Study Skills Course: Effective Studying in 6 weeks
Workshop 3: Sorensen A. & Hessellund, Learning assessment for students with mental and behavioral disorders
Workshop 4: Hune Holler M., Supporting students with psychosocial disorders in a modern study context - about the impact of counselling in a learning perspective
13.15 – 14.30 FEDORA Executive Committee meeting and LUNCH
14.30 – 18.00 Symposia, workshops and oral presentations
14.30 – 16.15 Sessions 1-4 (each participant may choose 1 of the following 4 Sessions)
Session 1
• Paleologou, A. (Oral Presentation), Development of a Telecounseling Service at the Career Office of the University of Ioannina
• Askitopoulou V., Kantoglou E. (Thematic Symposium), Career Counseling in the Post-Modern Era
Pargiani S., Mavrogeorgiadis E., Confessions of a Counseling Student: Studying as a Teacher at Thessaloniki's Counseling School (A.S.PE.T.E.)
Soumpara M, Zafeiriou S., Anastasiadou E., Counselors vs. Clients: Parallel Courses, Perpendicular Relations
Tarara A., Anastasiadou S., The Career Counselor and the Discovery of New Roles at Work
Session 2
• Rott, G. (Thematic Symposium), The cooperative development of the quality culture in HE to enhance student centred learning and employability: the approach at the University of Prishtina
Willy Aastrup
Arlinda Beka
David Stanbury
Session 3
• Kalantzi-Azizi, A. (Thematic Symposium), Counseling Services of the University of Athens
Argyropoulou, M., Counseling Center for Students at the University of Athens: Function, Services and Activities
Papachristodoulou, E., The Peer Counseling Center of the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Athens: An overview of 16 years of experience
Sofianopoulou, A., Pino, A., Kouroupetroglou, G., Kalantzi-Azizi, A., Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities: Mission, Services and the 3-year experience from the Counseling Service
Daliana, N., Theologis, V.,
Session 4
• Rieth, A. (Workshop), Supporting students with mental health problems
16.15 – 16.45 Coffee break
16.45 – 18.00 Sessions 5 - 8 (each participant may choose to follow 1 of the following 3 Sessions)
Session 5
• Drosos, N, Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D. & Argyropoulou, K.,“Why should I choose you?”: Activities aiming at developing self-presentation and social skills
Session 6
• Hughes, P. (Oral Presentation),Confidentiality and information sharing across student services
• Sorensen, A. (Oral Presentation), The balanced performativity as strategic focus in educational psychotherapy and coaching
Session 7
• Mair, D. (Workshop), Working Creatively With Sexual Minority Students.
19.00 – 21.00 Opening Dinner at the Monastery of Agios Georgios (Saint George) of Dourouti
Friday, 17th June 2011
08.30 - 11.30 Registration & Helpdesk
09.00 – 11.00 Keynote Speeches
09.00 – 09.45
• Merkt Marianne, Studiendekanin Master of Higher Education - Zentrum fur Hochschul- und Weiterbildung (ZHW) - Universitat Hamburg
Counselling, coaching and supervision concepts and their implications for students personal and professional growth – a view on the German Higher Education landscape
09.45 – 11.00
• Denies Jacques, Manager School Technology Innovation Center – Microsoft, Brussels, Belgium
Technology enables inclusion
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.30 FEDORA General Assembly (please check the FEDORA SU 2011 website for the latest news)
12.30 – 13.30 Workshops (each participant may follow 1 of the following 4 workshops)
Workshop 1: Campagne, N. & Hacking, P., ‘Work and life’ – career guidance for the Y generation in a time of economic slowdown
Workshop 2: Puskas-Vajda, Z., New Challenges for Student Counselling: Outgoing Erasmus students private and professional experiences during the Erasmus stipendium time period.
Workshop 3: Schumann, W, Addicted to the world wide net – treatment of students internet abuse
Workshop 4: Aastrup, W., The Social Dimension in the Bologna Process
13.30 – 14.30 Poster session and Lunch
Poster Session
• Egger, J., Trapp, M. & Egger-Zeidner, E., Students help Students – Peer to Peer Helpline at the Medical University of Graz
• Liimatainen, J., Boosting an f2f peer group with chat meetings
• Schroeder, A., Effective ways of counselling a large number of students with only a small number of career advisors
• Skaltsa, I. & Drossinou -Korea, M., Career Services (C.S.) for students and young graduates of the Agricultural University of Athens (A.U.A): Introducing them to the profession of Agronomist
14.30 – 18.00 Symposia, workshops and oral presentations
14.30 – 16.15 Sessions 1-3 (each participant may choose to follow 1 of the following 3 Sessions)
Session 1
• Dean, L. (Oral Presentation), Engagement with Employability Skills: If the student won’t come to careers then careers must go to the student.
• Gardner, M. (Oral Presentation), Quantity vs. Quality – dilemmas in careers counselling of international students
• Sorensen, A. (Oral Presentation), A learning based model for career guidance of students with disabilities
Session 2
• Depreeuw, E. (Oral Presentation), VaSEV 1990 – 2010: Assessment of study achievement characteristics.
Does the changing educational context matters at all?
• Uildriks, E. & Hupkens, M. (Oral Presentation), Task Management Group
Session 3
• Papadioti-Athanasiou, V. & Kaltsouda, A. (Thematic Symposium), The Present and the Future of Student Psychological Counseling: Meeting the challenges, discussing the prospects
Kaltsouda, A., The University of Ioannina's Counseling Center (Part 1). A critical view on the current situation and prospects: Filling the Gap
Skapinakis, P., The University of Ioannina's Counseling Center (Part 2). Use of a computerized, fully structured psychiatric interview to screen for common mental disorders in a student population
Argyrides, M., The Development of a Counseling Center at Neapolis University Pafos
Kalantzi - Azizi, A., Charila, D., Laboratory of Psychological Counseling for Students, Unversity of Athens
Giovazolias, A., Activities of the Counseling Center of the University of Crete, Challenges of the Past and the Future
• Lafourcade, V. (Workshop), How to promote European and international mobility of students with special needs?
16.15 – 16. 45 Coffee Break
16.45 – 18.00 Sessions 4 – 6 (each participant may choose 1 of the following 3 Sessions)
Session 4
• Kalantzi-Azizi, A. (Thematic Symposium), Community Intervention Program for Smoking Prevention and Cessation among University Students in Greece
Kalantzi - Azizi, A., Efthimiou, K., Sofianopoulou, A., Community Intervention Program for Smoking Prevention and Cessation among University Students in Greece
Karademas, E., The use of Social Cognitive Models in the Development of the Anti-smoking Programme for University Students' Information Package
Charila, D., The Programme for Smoking Cessation in Student Population
Sofianopoulou, A., Efthimiou, K., Karademas, E., Kalantzi - Azizi, A. Factors related to Smoking Initiation and Smoking Behaviour Maintenance amongst Student Populations in Greece
Session 5
• Giovazolias, A. (Oral Presentation), Eating disorders and attachment processes in Greek University students: The mediating role of body dissatisfaction
Session 6
• Drossinou-Korea, M. (Oral Presentation), The inclusion of students with dyslexia. Proposals for good practices
• Knudsen, M. (Oral Presentation), Student related difficulties associated with Asperger’s Syndrome and examples of supportive initiatives
• Putz, J. (Oral Presentation), Risks and chances of the so-called peer counseling
20.00 Conference Dinner at Stoa Louli (located in the city centre)
Saturday, 18th June
08.30 – 11.30 Registration and help desk
10.00 – 11.00 Keynote Speeches
10.00 – 11.00
• Fotini Vlachaki, Dimitrios Gaitanis, Hellenic National Center for Vocational Orientation, Lifelong Guidance Policies & Practices: Perspectives for the Enhancement of Lifelong Guidance & Career Development at European and National Levels"
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.30 Workshops and oral presentations (each participant may choose 1 of the following 3 Sessions)
Session 1
• Naseem-Rachel, N., Introducing student peer mentoring in universities in Pakistan: Hierarchy and a different culture of learning?
Session 2
• Argiropoulou M.-I. & Lemonoudi, M. (Workshop), Therapeutic techniques for procrastinators
Session 3
• Denies, J. (Workshop), Efficient use of ICT – reflections on a structured set of examples
12.30 – 13.30 FEDORA Working Groups Meetings
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 15.30 Closing Session